Have you ever experienced joint pain?
If yes then you know how troubling it can be to deal with it. The joint pain even becomes unbearable in winters. Sometimes this joint pain is accompanied by inflammation in the joints. Yes, you got it right. I am talking about arthritis.
Arthritis Refers to a group of diseases that is characterized by joint pain and inflammation. The worst part is that the condition is degenerative which means over time the symptom gets severe. There are many different types of arthritis.
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Arthritis Pain – What it is About?
Osteoarthritis is one of the most common types of arthritis in which mechanical wear and tear results in unbearable pain and inflammation in the joints. While in the case of rheumatoid arthritis your body’s immune system cells tend to attack the body’s cells. No matter what type of arthritis you are dealing with it can be quite challenging to continue routine life activities and a normal life while suffering from such conditions.
Recently I came across an incident when my colleague was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis that will eat two weeks to develop. She went for an anti-CCP test that resulted in the diagnosis. Anti-CCP test prices are not very high which makes It an effective diagnostic tool for rheumatoid arthritis.
Once diagnosed with arthritis, next comes the treatment options. From medicines to surgeries and home remedies, all of these can help to manage symptoms of arthritis. Home remedies are particularly important in this regard.
How to Get Rid of Arthritis Pain?
Here are some of the best tips that can help you to get rid of arthritis pain naturally. These include:
1- Control body weight
Carrying more than normal body weight can make it even more difficult for you. When you weigh more than your normal body weight, it puts pressure on your bones and joints. So, it is really important to pay attention to your current body weight. Try to shed it as soon as you can or at least start it. It is convenient, to begin with, diet control and adding mild physical activity to your diet. In this way, you can control your body weight.
2- Massage your joints
Arthritis is all about your joints, right?
So, if you are looking for some joint pain remedies, it is important to do a joint massage. A joint massage can surely be of great help to overcome inflammation and reduce stress on the surrounding muscles. This way, a gentle massage can be a great tool to overcome joint pain. You can use any type of oil and can even add herbs to it to increase its effectiveness for pain relief. Sometimes, you can even use warm oil to massage your joints for arthritis pain relief.
3- Stay physically active
Physical activity is not only required to keep your weight controlled but also needed to keep your joints active. This is important because arthritis directly impacts your joint’s health affecting its mobility. So, if you want to keep your joints moving and healthy make sure you stay active. Be it walking, swimming or any other kind of physical activity, give it 30 minutes a day for at least 4-5 days a week to keep your joints healthy.
4- Apply heat or cold
When it comes to arthritis pain relief, many things can help you.
Heat and cold therapy are surely among these, applying heat or cold to your affected area help to relieve the pain. This works by making nerves in your affected area numb which contributes to pain relief. For cold therapy, you can use ice wrapped in a cloth and for heat therapy, a warm cloth can do the job well. You can also apply heat and cold therapy one after another and repeat it 2-3 times a day to get rid of the joint pain due to arthritis, recommended by the best general physician in Karachi who was treating my friend.
5- Acupuncture can help you!
Next in the list of arthritis pain relief remedies comes the role of acupuncture. This is a traditional practice in which needles are applied to several parts of the body. These target points are selected wisely and inserting needles is thought to improve the flow through these areas ultimately contributing to pain relief. So, yes if you are an advocate of traditional medicine, acupuncture is surely for you.
6- Work on food choices
You may need to choose your foods wisely when you are suffering from problems like arthritis. There are many ingredients in your foods that can either provide relief or can trigger your arthritis pain. For instance, aloe vera is known for its role in arthritis pain relief. So, make sure to choose arthritis-friendly foods.
Bottom Line!
All these tips can help to get rid of arthritis pain naturally. But it is also important to stick to your treatment plan and keep an eye on your disease signs.