Note: This topic talks about the old method that is still used in Plesk Onyx. We suggest that you use the new one that comes with the SSL It! Plesk Obsidian extension.
You need to make a Certificate Signing Request when purchase SSL certificate (CSR, for short) before you can buy a certificate. Go to Websites & Domains > your website > SSL/TLS Certificates > “Advanced Settings” > Add SSL/TLS Certificate. Make sure that all of the information you give is correct. If you give the wrong information, the certificate may not work, and you may have to pay for a new one.
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EV SSL Certificate
EV certificates are only given out when the strictest form of due diligence has been completed. However, it is also a fact that in order to receive these certificates, you will need to give the necessary business-related documentation, and the CA will be responsible for performing the necessary background checks. Extended Validation SSL Certificates are Recognized as Having the Highest Level of Trust and Reliability Across All Industries as a Direct Result of Their Robust Validation Process.
The Many Advantages of Using SSL Certificates
To begin, let’s take a brisk look at some of the advantages of using an SSL certificate. If you already have prior knowledge regarding this topic, you can skip over this part. The following are the three most important advantages that come with using SSL certificates:
Protects the information of your site’s guests first.
The most important function of an SSL certificate is to provide protection for the information that users of your website transfer to you. In the absence of this encryption, cybercriminals are able to steal the data of your users as it is being transported between their computer and your web server by engaging in activities known as packet sniffing attacks.
Prevents your website from being labelled as one that lacks security
You may already be aware that Google indicates in the address bar that a website is not secure by displaying the label “Not Secure” for any websites that do not use HTTPS. All of your site’s visitors will receive an inaccurate message about your website as a result of this, and they will have the impression that they are interacting with a shady company. You may protect your website from being accessed by unauthorised users by installing an SSL certificate.
When you’re done, click the Request button.
This will make the CSR and private key, which will be put in your repository.
Before you can utilise the certificate you purchased to secure your website, you must upload it. Go to Websites & Domains > your website > SSL/TLS Certificates > “Advanced Settings,” click the certificate’s name, and then upload it as outlined in the steps below:
If you received the certificate as a *.crt or *.pem file, scroll down to the “Upload the certificate files” section and upload the file. When complete, click the Upload Certificate button.
Scroll down to where it says “Upload the certificate as text” and paste the certificate’s content into the form. When complete, click the Upload Certificate button.
After uploading the certificate, you must now install it. Navigate to Websites & Domains, your website, and then Hosting Settings. Select the newly uploaded certificate from the Certificate menu, and then click OK.