Everyone gets why we need insurance right ?
Sometimes things happen which we didn’t see coming, didn’t plan for, and these things cost us a whole heap of money to get sorted. The flood that ruins your home furnishings..the blown tyre that makes you swerve into a tree. Fixing these things costs more than most of us have stashed away, so we pass that risk onto insurance companies and pay a bit each month, each year, as a ‘just in case’, so they can help us out when we need them.
On top of that, sometimes the law say we have to have insurance in place to make sure that if that thing we didn’t see coming has an impact on someone else, there’s enough money there to sort them out and put them right too.
How confusing is getting Insurance ?
So you start out getting auto insurance – your first car, your pride and joy – and its pretty straightforward – there’s options but you’re bright enough to decide what’s best for you. Sorted Easy.
But then you get a little older… you get a place of your own, maybe a family, maybe another car, maybe even start a business. All of a sudden you are looking at multi auto insurance, property insurance, maybe life insurance, all types of business insurance, and the insurance world with all its options just got a lot more complicated!
You want to make sure you’re doing it right and not paying more than you need to, but then you speak to a friend and they’re paying a whole lot less then you. How can that be ?
Well basically insurance companies decide the amount of money you have to pay them for your policy around what they see as the risk of something bad happening and them having to make a pay out. So think about auto insurance – if you drive around in a city all day chances are you are more likely to have a fender bender than someone who only drives out in the ‘burbs at the weekend.
As if it wasn’t complicated enough before, you now find the advice you were looking at online doesn’t work for you because you live in a different place!
Help is at hand
With so many decisions to make and options to consider, it’s no wonder people are turning to their local insurance agency for professional advice on the best insurance packages to suit them.
To save dealing with a different agency for each type of insurance you need, look for a company that covers all the bases. Find someone who can look after your auto as well as your property insurance – someone who can deal with you as an individual and can advise on your needs as a whole.
No-one wants to be dealing with Amy at agency A for one thing, but Mike at agency B for another. How many times do you want to go through your address details, your bank details, all the questions they ask, just to sign up ? No – a one stop shop has to be a better option.
If you need insurance for your business, how much easier does it make it if you can find an agency that will look after that too ?
But be careful – make sure the agency you choose has some kind of pedigree. The Insurance industry is an ever growing market, and you will see new agencies starting up all the time. There might be a good ad that’s drawn you in, or some special offer that’s offering what look to be great introductory offer as they build up their client base. As the old saying goes – if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Ask yourself – do you want to be the guinea pig, the test case, while they build up their company ? Or would you prefer an agency with history – with proven experience across a range of insurance types, to be confident they can advise on the best options for you.
Its important to get the right insurance in place – for you, your family, and your business. With so many different types of insurance to consider, and local regulations and variations making it even more complex, it makes sense to get some expert help. Choosing the best agency to help you with that is a personal decision, but if you get the right people then this difficult job just got a whole lot easier.