Focusing on work or school tasks can sometimes be difficult. Notifications constantly come to e-mail, and every now and then some new informational occasion appears in the office, which is important to discuss with the whole team. And it’s already lunchtime. However, if you are often distracted, then you risk not getting to work duties and not doing the necessary work until the end of the working day.
It is believed that every time we switch from one task to another and back, we have to make mental and moral efforts. In psychology, this is called the switching cost effect. However, it has been scientifically proven that the human brain cannot concentrate on one thing for more than 45 minutes. And in this case, how to productively spend an eight-hour working day, regain concentration and have time to complete as many tasks as possible? That is what we will talk about in this article.
Table of Contents
Prioritize tasks and make a to-do list
Switching is useful, but not from job to job. A to-do list prepared in advance, in which tasks will be arranged according to the importance of completion, will help not to be scattered and keep the focus on the important. So you are less likely to lose sight of something. And if you suddenly encounter difficulties in completing the first task, there is always the opportunity to move on to the second.
It is also worth mentioning that sometimes there are tasks that you absolutely do not want to do. In this case, you can postpone a similar task for the next day. However, this rule only works for disciplined people. If you like to be lazy, then this method will not help you, because you will simply put off unloved tasks every day.
If you put off a task for another day, it is important to determine for yourself the exact time for its completion so as not to forget about it. Psychologists advise doing the most difficult and least pleasant things in the first half of the day, because by doing the most difficult it will be psychologically easier for you to work the rest of the day.
Take small breaks
The opinion that it will be more efficient to sit down at the computer and not get up until all the work is done is erroneous. Short breaks can increase your focus and help you manage your energy levels effectively. Grab a snack, talk to a colleague, or go outside for some fresh air.
What to do during the break – each employee decides for himself. Someone can go outside and take a short walk, someone prefers to read a book, and someone can place bets on the 20Bets website. Whatever method you choose, the main thing is to switch to the time and get distracted from work tasks. Psychologists claim that it is this method that helps to concentrate better and get less tired during the working day.
Find a suitable place to work
Although it is believed that the human body can get used to everything, do not forget that sometimes it does not work out to adapt to noise. The more sounds and bustle surrounds you, the more cortisol is produced in the body. If there is an opportunity to organize work in a quiet place – use it.
Rule 20/20/20
The technique is simple: once every 20 minutes, look at one point six meters away (they are 20 feet) for 20 seconds. It is useful not only for the brain but also for vision.
Technique “Tomato”
The Pomodoro method is very popular in time management. It is suitable for both work and study. A tomato is called a period of time of 30 minutes – 25 for work and 5 for rest.
Operating principle:
- Make a list of tasks for the day, taking into account priorities
- Set the timer for 25 minutes and start working
- Then take a break of 5-10 minutes. Take a break from tasks, do a warm-up or refresh your drink, and then plan your time again following this principle.
And in order to constantly stay in focus, do not forget to pay attention to long-term methods. For example, devote your free time to rest, and try to complete all work tasks in the office. Also, try to get your sleep schedule in order. Distractedness and lack of concentration are the consequences of chronic sleep deprivation. And try to meditate, because daily practices improve brain function and increase the ability to concentrate.