There are several platforms are there for entertainments and everyone is really enjoyed from these platforms and doing some social sharing activity along with branding.
Recently Tiktok has banned form India and everyone is depending on Youtube as well as Instagram, even Instagram, Facebook and Youtube has already updated his outstanding features.
So guys let’s discuss about the cool minded person known as Ankit Kansagara who is giving comedy to everyone through his channel to laugh everyone and given message of happiness.

Basically Ankit Kansagar is From Manavadar & did his study till 10th Std in Manavadar Itself.
Being as a person I know very well to him because he is my friend cum Masiyar in Gujju.

His father is farmer and mother is housewife, after completion of 12th science, he is decided to laugh everyone with smile and happiness via his comedy.
For that he and his team making a small video for people, and after a month’s videos is going to be viral as much, and while publishing his Youtube Channel – Ankit Kansagara, he got Million of views in it, and nowadays he is the comedy king.

His teams are doing really good & hard work while making the videos and everyone is enjoyed a lot as well.
He is identified as a Man without Ego, and Cool person, being as a good comedian, having a good heart and helping nature.

You can connect with them in Instagram as well, and I know that he will respond to everyone, so till the time Enjoy the Videos of Ankit Kansagara and Stay tuned for our new articles.