Research has revealed how women would actually like to have sex. This was referring to the sexual desires they are embarrassed to share with lovers or husbands. Women also have sexual desires that they would like to put into practice. Yet, they fear that partners will misunderstand or form a negative opinion about them.- terms of sex
First of all, a man wants her woman to act like an escort in bed- terms of sex
In fact, this is the reason why lots of men visit escorts. What they love about these women is that they don’t have inhibitions. They are not shy and they are open-minded. Of course they would like their partners to be the same. A man who visits an escort Roma is a man who wants satisfaction, pleasure, and lots of quality sex. A man who is sexually fulfilled in his romantic relationship, will never visit a sex worker. You can be sure of that.
Again, communication plays a very important role in any relationship. If you cannot talk honestly and openly with your partner, then there could not be satisfying and fulfilling sex. You will most probably have to look somewhere else what you are not receiving from your partner. And this is exactly what all men do. In fact, there are also lots of women who have sex with other men because they are not satisfied by their partners.
Well, if you don’t want to get to this point in your marriage or your relationship, then you must work on your sexual life. You must pay a special attention to it so that both you and your partner can be 100% satisfied. It doesn’t matter how busy your life is, you must make time for your sex life. Sex should not happen fast, and also not when you feel stresses or anxious. In a situation like this, a sensual massage makes miracles.
Women, just like men, have sexual fantasies- terms of sex
All women have at least one sexual fantasy that they would like to put into practice. Yet, many of them are afraid to talk about this subject with their partners. They think that they will be judged, or they are simply too shy to have this type of conversation. Such inhibitions should not exist, when it comes to sex. Sex is about pleasure and about a deep emotional connection. Stress, anxiety, and inhibitions should never exist in a sexual act.
How women like to have sex- terms of sex
They absolutely love to be kissed and licked the entire body. This is something that offers them lots of pleasure and helps women reach orgasm a lot faster. Women would love their partners to pay lots of attention to their whole bodies. As a rule, men focus on stimulating the same erogenous areas. “I would like him to lick and kiss me everywhere. I dream of awakening in me sensations that erupt from other places than my vagina”.
Many women have declared dissatisfaction with the oral sex they receive from the partners. Most often, women offer their partners oral sex hoping that this will be returned to them as well. And when they have oral sex, they would like more variation. They want their partners to use their mouth, but also their tongue, fingers, and from time to time to penetrate them and return to oral sex.
“I’m tired of being always the fine lady in the bedroom, to do just love and be tender every time. I’d like him to have sex wild with me as if they did not care who I am. To turn into a sexual animal and make me imprint it to stop”. This is another type of sexual desire that lots of women have. Men are quite silent during sexual intercourse. Yet, surprisingly many women among those who participated in the survey, said they would like their partners to use vulgar words. They wouldn’t like to do this too often, but once in a while it would be very exciting.
The use of a “colorful language” is desired by women in intimacy precisely because it shocks them and feels like doing something forbidden. How women like to have sex: they want to be treated more aggressively in bed. So, men should try all these things to satisfy their partners. They should do everything to see them happy. A happy woman will make a man happy. It is how things go in relationships.
Women should learn how to communicate better with their partners. They should not have inhibitions and they should not think about being judged if they talk about their sexual desires. Only a good and honest communication will lead to a satisfying sex life. So, it is important to talk and also put into practice what you have in mind. Your partner should do the same. It is essentail that you have balance in your relationship. But if you respect the steps we mentioned in this article, your intimate life will be just great.