The weather has been a lot cooler for this past month, and everyone’s thoughts are turning to the style of winter clothes. You might not know exactly what type of clothing you want to wear, which is why we’ve compiled this article with 7 style tips for guys who want to dress well this winter to get you started.
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1. Know your materials
In order to dress well this winter, it is important to know the materials that will keep you warm. The most popular materials for winter clothing are wool, cashmere, and down. Wool is a material that is made from sheep’s hair and is known for being very Warm. Cashmere is a material that comes from goats and is also very warm. Down is a material that comes from ducks or geese and is used in jackets and coats.
2. Pay attention to shapes
If you want to dress well this winter, pay attention to the shapes of your clothing. Go for clean lines and simple silhouettes. Avoid anything too baggy or bulky. Instead, opt for slim-fitting pieces that will flatter your figure. While layering is key in winter, don’t go overboard. Stick to a few simple layers that you can easily take on and off as the temperature changes throughout the day.
3. Don’t overdo it
Don’t overdo it with the layering. It’s important to keep warm in the winter, but you don’t want to look like you’re about to head into the Arctic. A coat, sweater, and scarf should be enough to keep you comfortable without making you look like a Michelin man.
Make sure your outerwear fits well. A bulky coat can make even the most stylish guy look slovenly. Find a coat that’s tailored to your body and doesn’t swamp you.
Invest in some good quality cold weather gear. Cheap gloves and hats may seem like a bargain, but they won’t do a good job of keeping you warm and will just end up falling apart after a few wearings. Spend a little extra on pieces that will last and do their job well.
Put some thought into your footwear. Winter weather can be tough on shoes, so make sure you’ve got a good pair of boots that can handle the elements while still looking sharp. Suede and leather are always good choices, just be sure to waterproof them before venturing out into the rain or snow.
4. Layer wisely
When it comes to layering your clothes in winter, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to start with a base layer of clothing that will keep you warm. This can be a long-sleeved shirt, turtleneck, or even a thermal undershirt. Next, you’ll want to add a layer of insulation. This can be a wool sweater (in Dutch: wollen trui heren), fleece jacket, a wool vest (in Dutch: wollen vest heren) or anything else that will help to trap in heat. Finally, top it all off with a coat or jacket that will protect you from the elements. If you follow these simple tips, you’ll be sure to stay warm and look great all winter long!
With the right style tips, any guy can dress well this winter. We hope our tips have helped you figure out how to style your own clothing and shown you just how great you can look. If you need help finding the perfect clothing for you, check out our selection of men’s winter clothing and find the perfect pieces for your next outfit. Which of these items would you love to wear? Let us know in the comments below!